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Orvieto Cinema Fest | Illustrators Exhibition

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Event  Orvieto Cinema Fest
Year  2024
Technique  Digital

For humanity today, what does Metamorphosis mean?

This is the question of the Orvieto Cinema Fest, this year in its seventh edition.

For me “metamorphosis” is an opportunity that is sustainable only with a certain philosophy of life.  I think that the metamorphosis that we should all face with greater enthusiasm is the most urgent and necessary one: the environmental one.

The possibilities for a future in which environmental conditions allow human survival are already contemporary and feasible, even in this world driven by the rise of capitalism. However, it is necessary to stop, look inside, dig deep until we are reborn in a new form of humanity that lives respecting the Earth and its resources without blindly exploiting them.


Illustrators Exhibition

This proposal was among the first eight winners awarded by the Orvieto Cinema Fest, on the occasion of the “Metamormosi” contest organized by the festival.

The selected illustrations were exhibited in the Illustrators Exhibition during the days of the festival, from 23 to 28 September, at the Luigi Fumi Library in Orvieto.
